Monday, January 26, 2009

Albania: 1/20/09 Inauguration of Barack Obama

The inauguration of our 44th president Barack Obama was unbelieveable, and an indescribable moment because America had elected the first African American president ever. A job that just the other day it was a position only held by white American men, now its like that wall came tumbling down like the Berlin Wall. After hearing and reading the inauguaration speech I got the sense that he was ready for the challenge but that we as a society have the responsibility to work proactively with him and the administration to get things done. Personally, I have never felt so empowered, like I can make a difference in my community, in my state, and in my country I'm definitely ready to act. At church , at school, and work you get a sense from people that " Yes we can", its an overwhelming feeling in my spirit.

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